musc 114 - resources


More interesting / unusual software:

granular synth made in msp - mac only(?)

soundhack - freeware, mac only, upper right side of web page

spear - freeware, mac / pc

pure data (pd) freeware cousin to max/msp

max/msp/jitter - not free...but decent student discounts + 10 copies in the lab


Some interesting software: (the first four are available in the music department computer lab)

reaper - digital audio workstation

audacity - simple recording / editing software

garageband - apple software - part of iLife

logic express - apple software - more advanced workstation

iProRecorder - iPhone recording app


A/v equipment available from the library:

info is here







selected book references:

Augoyard, J. F., Mccartney, A., Torgue, H. & Paquette, D. (2006) Sonic Experience : A Guide to Everyday Sounds, Montreal ; Ithaca, McGill-Queen's University Press.

Bartlett, B. & Bartlett, J. (2008) Practical Recording Techniques, Boston, Elsevier/Focal Press.

Braun, H.-J. & International Committee for the History of Technology. (2002) Music and Technology in the Twentieth Century, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press.

Cage, J. (1961) Silence: Lectures and Writings, Middletown, Wesleyan University Press.

Chadabe, J. (1997) Electric Sound: The Past and Promise of Electronic Music, Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall.

Chanan, M. (1995) Repeated Takes: A Short History of Recording and Its Effects on Music, Verso.

Cox, C. & Warner, D. (2004) Audio Culture : Readings in Modern Music, New York, Continuum.

Demers, J. T. (2010) Listening through the Noise : The Aesthetics of Experimental Electronic Music, Oxford ; New York, Oxford University Press.

Holmes, T. (2008) Electronic and Experimental Music: Technology, Music, and Culture, Routledge.

Hosken, D. (2010) An Introduction to Music Technology, Routledge.

Kahn, D. (1999) Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts, Cambridge, MIT Press.

Katz, M. (2010) Capturing Sound : How Technology Has Changed Music, Berkeley, University of California Press.

Nyman, M. (1999) Experimental Music : Cage and Beyond, Cambridge, U.K. ; New York, Cambridge University Press.

Oliveros, P. (2005) Deep Listening : A Composer's Sound Practice, New York ; Lincoln, NE, iUniverse, Inc.

Sterne, J. (2003) The Audible Past: Cultural Origins of Sound Reproduction, Durham, Duke University Press.

Taylor, T. D. (2001) Strange Sounds : Music, Technology & Culture, New York, Routledge.

Théberge, P. (1997) Any Sound You Can Imagine : Making Music/Consuming Technology, Hanover, NH, Published by University Press of New England [for] Wesleyan University Press.