Introduction to Media Arts and Technology

course info
course outline
additional resources
student links


<<in progress / subject to minor changes...>>



Sept 4th - Course Introduction and start up

Course introduction / description, logistics (lab tour, web space, blog)
Fill out student questionnaire here. * this needs to be done by noon on 9/9

once you are officially in the class please do the following:

  • buy this book (it is in the smith book store). Please bookmark this page, which is a metapage that goes with the book.
  • have / get a web space. If you already have a space, please send me the url. If you don't, you can get one from ITS. The specific info is here. Send this request in now, as we will need web access soon.
  • join the course blog. To post, you will need to get a user name by joining word press here (click on 'sign up now' you do not need to make a new blog, just get a username). Then email me the email address you used while joining wordpress, and I will give you editorial access. Then you can log into our course blog and post, create categories, make links, and so on... There is a good wordpress faq here. You will need to post to the blog prior to class on the 11th.


Sept 9 / 11 - Background: arts and technology, digitization, and computing

read: a short history of arts / technology: Paul, digital art, pp. 7-25 (pdf is here incase you don't have the book yet)
browse: additional references for this reading are here
browse: history of computing hardware (including info on the personal computer)
browse: this timeline
tech: web / blog tutorials
discuss project one

read: principles of new media (pdf here): Manovich
browse: additional references for this reading are here
post at least one observation or comment from the Manovich reading to class blog, and be prepared to discuss it in class
browse: rhizome new media art site
browse: general info about blogs
browse: info about wordpress
discuss ideas for project one
tech: web / dreamweaver


Sept 16 / 18 - Hypertext, digital writing and internet art

read: hypertext: the alphanumeric phoenix: Lunenfeld, snap to grid, pp. 44-54
read: beyond the book: text and narrative environments: Paul, digital art, pp. 189-196
browse: additional references for these readings are here
browse: this electronic literature collection
read: dreamweaver tutorial (as needed)
browse: additional web design resources
tech: web / dreamweaver


browse: history of the internet
read: a history of internet art, Greene
browse: additional references for this reading are here
browse: projects on rhizome
check out the ETS workshop schedule
tech: more web / dreamweaver / java script


Sept 23 / 25 - Internet art

read: internet art / software art: Paul, digital art, pp. 111-124
browse: more web art / net art info
browse: javascripts
tech: finishing project one
discuss project two

project one critique


Sept 30 / Oct 2 - Digital Imaging

read: digital photograph: dubitative images: Lunenfeld, snap to grid, pp. 55-69
browse: additional references for both the digital imaging articles (Lunenfeld and Paul) are here
browse: intro to digital photography
tech: intro to digital cameras / scanners / drawing tablets


read: digital imaging: photography and print: Paul, digital art, pp. 27-60
read: photoshop tutorials (as needed) try here or here or here
tech: DV cameras and image capture + Photoshop tutorial


Oct 7 / 9 - Film / video / animation / live image

read: video art: Rush, new media in art, pp. 82-98
read: film, video, and animation: Paul, digital art, pp. 96-111
browse: additional references for both of these readings are here
browse: intro to digital video
tech: more on dv cameras / intro to final cut

read: image future: Manovich
read: final cut tutorials (as needed)
browse: visual music site and electronic literature collection (keywords flash and quicktime)
tech: more final cut / output


Oct 14 / 16 - Sonic Art

< no class - fall break >

read: the future of music: credo, and experimental music: Cage, silence, pp. 3-12
read: the generation game: experimental music and digital culture: Toop, audio culture, pp. 239-247
browse: additional software / sound info on resources page
browse: additional references on sonic art are here
listening session 1
discuss project three
tech: work on project two


Oct 21 / 23 - Sonic Art

read / do: the poetics of environmental sound: Oliveros
listen: to these examples
project two critique

read: Introduction: Schultz, Resonances; aspects of sound art, pp. 14-18
read: In Your Ear: Hearing Art in the 21st Century
browse: sound art at mass moca (first two listings)
listening session 2
tech: field recording and audio editing


Oct 28 / 30 - Electronics and physical computing

read: introduction: Igoe and O'Sullivan, physical computing, pp. xvii-xxviii
browse: additional references for physical / interactive computing topics are here
browse: electronic life forms
browse: lemur bots
tech: physical computing / interaction demo
tech: sonic composition / production
guest artist visit: Christa Erickson

browse: media lab responsive environments group (please blog about at least one project or technology)
browse: Ganson machines
tech: more interactive / physical computing demos
tech: sonic composition / production
discuss final projects


Nov 4 / 6 - Interactive Installation

read: installation: Paul, digital art, pp. 67-96
browse: additional reference related to interactive installation are here
tech: audio production, mixing and mastering

< no class - Otelia Cromwell Day >


Nov 11 / 13 - Interactive Installation

project three critique

read: transforming mirrors: Rokeby, critical issues in interactive media
* please send a written response to this reading to me (via email) by Thursday @ 10am
browse: Rokeby projects
tech: interaction design: design strategies and available technologies
discuss final project - work on proposal


Nov 18 / 20 - Interactive Installation + Mediated Performance


read: interactive installations for the mind and body, Ritter
browse: Ritter works
browse some more: references from the last reading (Paul) are here
final project proposal due: present / discuss. proposal guidelines are here

read: politics, postmodernism, and the new spectacle: Rush, new media in art, pp. 64-78
browse: Techno-Alchemy at the Opera
browse: Golon Levin and the Scribble performance
browse: electronic music interfaces
tech: tutorial tba (based on final projects) + studio work session


Nov 25 / 27 - Mediated performance

read: theatre / dance, and new media: Delahunta
browse: troika ranch
browse: motion-e project
studio work session + work in progress showing

< no class - Thanksgiving break >


Dec 2 / 4 - Themes / emerging topics

read: themes in digital art: Paul; digital art, pp. 139-174
artificial intelligence / artificial life, telepresence / telerobotics, the body
browse: Stelarc, Kenneth Fiengold, and Scott Snibbe
tech: studio work session + work in progress showing

read: themes in digital art: Paul; digital art, pp. 174-189, 196-214
database, gaming, tactical media / activism
guest artist - John Slepian
tech: studio work session


Dec 9 / 11 - Themes / emerging topics

read: themes in digital art: Paul; digital art, pp. 216-246
mobile media, social networking, virtual worlds
this section is only in the newer edition, so it is also online here
tech: studio work session

Final Project Critiques